Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Your September Forecast is Here!

Your September 2010 Forecast

Get Back on Track!

September kicks off with the Sun in practical and communicative Virgo, calling for a restless though conscientious and hard working mood for the month. Virgo is an adaptable sign so it is extremely good at adjusting to changing circumstances and warm hearted behind its rather fussy facade.

However, it will not be all duty and no pleasure since indulgent Venus continues in its own sign of Libra for the first week of September, with plenty of charm, harmonious words, and extravagance to mark its passage. It holds hands with dreamy Neptune on the September 4, in a trine across the zodiac, which could add a hint of romance. Then from September 8, Venus glides effortlessly into intensely sexy, seductive Scorpio for a sojourn through November 7. Beware -- feelings may run deep, and strong passions may flare up during this period.

Jupiter moves back into Pisces on September 9, and stays there until almost the end of January 2011. This should bring a spiritual note into our lives, since this transit has a charitable heart, deep compassion and a sense of the importance of inner peace.

Mercury turns direct on September 12, and it is time to pick up our forward movements. On the same day a super-persuasive Venus sextile Pluto will bring warmth to encounters and a touch of passion, though be aware of a few hidden agendas. Venus-Pluto does have a manipulative side which needs to be handled with care.

Mars stands stalwart for better co-operation in close relationships to Libra until September 14, generally with positive results. It then moves into Scorpio to stay there until October 27, which will bring with it a mood of formidable determination and as well as a little vengefulness. Mars in Scorpio can never find it in its heart to forgive, forget and move on. It wrestles in a rather anguished way with hurts, slights and double dealings. Not that it is entirely straightforward all the time either, since it carries all of Scorpio's need for secrecy to extreme lengths. It does however, have its purpose, in standing rock steady in crisis, being courageous and resourceful, and provides a backbone for any difficulties ahead.

Pluto going direct in Capricorn on September 14 will provide assistance in solving practical and financial problems. A period of good luck, full of adventurous spirit, with a break from tension and stress is promised as Jupiter conjuncts Uranus on September 19. Both Jupiter and Uranus oppose the Sun on September 21, and there might be an unexpected turns of events, which may prove to be just what we all needed. It will be impulsive, and a time when new opportunities should be grasped instantly, without pausing to take time for caution.

We usher in the Fall Equinox on September 22, as the Sun moves into well-balanced Libra, and promptly forms a square to Pluto on September 26, which will require perseverance and some strings to get pulled, in order to get around problems. Even on the final day of this month, there will be no let up from the cosmos pressure as the Sun is poised to align with Saturn on October 1. Stand firm! The going might get difficult -- but persistence will pay off. Stand firm.

Remember, that while these transits indicate influences that impact all of us on a cosmic level, anticipate the impact of transits on your personal birth chart with a personalized September Forecast. This detailed monthly forecast by renowned astrologer Art Poppe analyzes the effect that each of the natal transits has on you personally, based on where and how the planets are located in your individual birth chart. Take advantage of the best times to act, as outlined in your personalized September Forecast and weather these challenges with grace. Arm yourself with this valuable guide -- for only $8.95 -- as you start the month.


The Astrology.com Team


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P.S. Astrology content by Marjorie Orr. Be sure to check out her blogs and her bio page on Astrology.com today!

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