Tuesday, April 13, 2010

New Moon in Aries: Make Your Dreams Come True!

astrology.com specials

Dear Victor,

On Wednesday April 14, there is a new Moon in Aries - the most vibrant and inspirational of all new Moons of the year. New Moons happen when the Sun and Moon fall in the same place celestially and are always about new beginnings. It is a time when it is vital to get your head (Sun) and your heart (Moon) -- together. This is the only way you can get wholeheartedly behind whatever emotional changes or projects take root at this time.

New Moons are only slivers of light in the sky, so this will not be a spectacular even by any chance. But this is the time to sow the seeds, nurture them carefully and watch them grow. You need a vision -- which is the idea; you need a plan -- which is the realistic way of moving towards your cherished goal. Then you need patience -- which isn't the same as doing nothing -- it is all about helping along what wants to happen.

This is one of the most opportune times to your chance to push ahead with plans and projects that are most important to you personally, and not become distracted by those close at hand or what may be happening in the world. Since this particular Aries New Moon is in easy aspect to Neptune, being creative or being spiritual will be all the more important. Listen to that inner voice, and you will know which dream is being awakened from its slumbers. And remember the old saying: 'The dreamers of the day act with their eyes open and make it happen.' This Aries New Moon falls widely square (90 degrees) to this year's Solar Eclipses so you may feel you are going against the grain. The only thing that is important is that it feels right for you!

To help you get focused on your dreams and goals - most important to you, we bring you two of our most revealing readings. Our Revelations Reading suggests that you are the creator of your own life. Interpret each planet in your chart on its highest and best level to determine the degree of happiness and success in your life. When you function on this level, your life takes on a richness of dimension like never before. You take the responsibility for creating your life the way you would like it to be! You see the planets as those gifts and talents you have chosen to express in this lifetime. When you express who you are by being your highest and best, you lift those around you as well! Start out with a free sample preview of this reading right now and then purchase the full-length version of this unique and powerful reading at 20% off.

Next we present you with our Natal Chart Reading, which reflects the factors at play in the universe at the moment of your birth and holds significant indicators of your personality and the potential that may be within you. Decide for yourself if you want to put in the effort to fulfill these potentials or deny them. The choice is yours! Act now and save 20% by ordering through this email! Try a free sample of this reading before you purchase and get a glimpse of the powerful insights this analysis has to offer!

Get started right now and use the power of this persuasive and inspiration cosmic configuration to your best advantage. Our good wishes are with you!


The Astrology.com Team


Forward this offer to your friends and family. Give them the gift of self-knowledge through astrology!

P.S. Astrology content by Marjorie Orr. Be sure to check out her blogs on Astrology.com today!

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