Monday, September 13, 2010

Pluto Turns Direct: Start Building for the Future! Specials

Dear Victor,

Pluto plays an important part in astrology, and rules transformation, regeneration, destruction and creation, although it may have been recently dwarfed as a planet.

Pluto, which has been retrograde since early April, goes direct on September 13-14 in Capricorn. Now that it is back in forward gear, it can continue its main purpose of reorganizing practical matters especially to do with career and money.

It takes Pluto approximately 248 years to complete its orbit around the zodiac. Due to the eccentricity of its orbit, it takes this planet between 12 and 31 years to pass through a sign. It rules Scorpio and the Eighth House. Pluto in Capricorn has been the talk of many astrological studies and discussions and will stay in this sign until 2024.

Pluto indicates to us that the path ahead is never straight. We take three steps forward and then pause to either reconsider, or go deeper to find better answers, or reverse our actions to undo our mistakes. If we have learned the lessons this planet is trying to teach us we all should have become a little wiser, and a bit more resilient because of the experiences of recent months. We should have learned the lessons that Pluto has been asking us to learn.

Pluto is a very slow moving planet, and we are still early in Pluto's sixteen year journey through Capricorn, the first phase of which is supposed to be all about destruction.

We are being asked to review and re-evaluate our lives, our habits, our patterns of behaviors that belong in the past and no longer work for us. This is the time to dispose of old baggage we are carrying around before we can start to rebuild for the future. Ask yourself if you are hanging on sentimentally to something once very valuable or even essential to you, but no longer works for you.

In order for true transformation to take place, each one of us has to learn to let go of what is worn out and what we have outgrown -- whether it be in our attitudes, our relationships or even our possessions. Only when we have cleared our decks, can we open ourselves up to new growth. The time for backtracking and reconsidering is now over. Start building and creating what will stand the test of time in your personal path ahead.

Mars also moves out of sociable Libra into passionate and determined Scorpio on September 14 to join hands again with Venus until October 27 in their perpetual cosmic dance. Scorpio has a reputation as the miracle maker of the zodiac, and can move mountains when it wants. Add high-vitality Mars to the equation and there will be a powerhouse of energy available for those who choose to use it. Mars in Scorpio lets nothing stand in its way but bulldozes ahead, not always subtly but usually discreetly, until it gets the results it wants. However, watch out for the sting of the Scorpion, which gets an additional boost with Martian energy. It will be difficult to forgive those who may be deceitful, and it will be equally difficult to be forgiven if you are the transgressor. So play fair and use that courageous, relentlessly persevering energy of Mars in Scorpio to good end.

Astrology uses two special techniques to forecast future trends and developments for an individual. The first is transits or the influence of ongoing movements of the planets on one's birth chart. The second is known as progression. A progressed chart locates the signs, the aspects and the house positions for each of the planets for any given year and tells you how long they will remain in those positions. These changes show you when to act on the potential revealed by your natal chart and when to embrace growth in your life. The awareness of your progressed chart helps you make informed decisions about every aspect of your life for the upcoming 12 months.

To help you plan the impact of important transits upon your life, we are pleased to present the Planetary Influence Profile, which focuses on your progressed chart. Start out with a free sample reading to see what this reading can offer. Then, opt for the full-length version for a complete revelation of what to expect for the rest of 2010 and beyond. Order through this email and you'll save 20%! Take advantage of these current opportunities to live a better, more aware life. Get started today!

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P.S. Astrology content by Marjorie Orr. Be sure to check out her blogs and her bio page on

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